[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Refresh/Find or better terminology

Hey all, I'm working on the gnomemeeting manual and have run into
something of a terminology issue when it comes to 'Refresh' and it's
usage in the addressbook. Now when Gnomemeeting starts and you enter the
addressbook it's empty. It has nothing in it and to the lay person
pressing the Refresh button to populate the list might seem a little odd
as the question becomes "Well there isn't anything to refresh". On the
other hand zero is a number so technically Refresh works for the
programmer mind rather easily as there is a list, it just has nothing in
it, so you're still refreshing a list that already exist basically. I'm
not pushing the issue as I was the only one to really bring it up. I
attribute it to the fact that I'm assuming the normal everyday user
would have problems with this but for the sake of closing the issue,
should Refresh or Find (or if you have some better terminology) be used
in this case??

Christopher Warner <zanee kernelcode com>
callto://ils.seconix.com/zanee kernelcode com

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