Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Towards a new video driver support in pwlib

Le jeu 24/07/2003 à 14:58, Yann Klis a écrit :
> Little OT maybe...
> Just a little question about the openh323 source code, as you seem to
> understand the thing globally.

_Me_ a global understanding!? Well, I have already hacked a little the
sound support, I just took a deep look at the video support, but for
openh323... Let's say that I don't either understand, nor have a global
look at the thing. Damien will come back next week and enlighten us! ;-)

> Is the network code (H.323 part) really and clearly separated from the other
> parts (video device accessing for example) ?

Hmmm... I grepped through openh323's sources, because I must admit the
thought of using a plugin system for device support crossed my mind (in
fact, the long mail you answer to, is basically what I thought would be
a first step towards this end: put complex things where they belong, and
not in the client program; the second step being the plugin system). It
seemed openh323 was indeed quite cleanly done: it doesn't play tricks
with driver support. But it still uses pwlib...

> I ask this question to know how it would be difficult to develop H.323
> gstreamer sink and source elements. I'm not trying to launch another troll on
> this subject, but many people ask for some funny things like PowerPoint (or
> OpenOffice) viewing synchronously while videoconferencing. A generic and
> elegant (according to me) solution to this may be to develop Gstreamer H.323
> sink and source elements, and a powerpoint decoder element (a jpeg decoder
> element already exists too).

Ah, gstreamer... Ah, modular things...


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