[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] New changes in CVS

Hello to all,

I have to leave for the evening, and I fixed a few things in CVS:

- The video grabber has been cleaned and is now using PWLib for
everything. It required me to patch PWlib, part of my patch has been
applied to OpenH323 CVS, but the other part was forgotten, so I suggest
you to wait before trying CVS ;)

- I fixed the Video Tester (of the druid) so that video testing also
works for Firewire cameras.

- I applied a patch to compile GM on MACOSX through fink.

- I fixed the support for the "NAT penetration" support from GNU GK
thanks to his author. (In clear words, you put the GNU GK somewhere on
the internet, like on seconix.com, you register to it, and you have no
setup at all to do to go through NAT, no port forwarding, nothing,
everything transparent).

Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>

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