Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [debian] script building from latest cvs/snapshot

Quoting PUYDT Julien (julien puydt laposte net):
> It fetches pwlib cvs, openh323 cvs, and gnomemeeting latest cvs
> snapshot, patches them for debian, compiles them, makes debian packages
> of it, and installs them.

I took your previous posts files, modified them, and use them to build
automatic CVS package builds for gnomemeeting now so that Damien can
mirror it and put it on his site.

I fixed a couple of things, and I don't even know if I remember all of
them, but amongst others this is what I fixed:
  - Packages are now generated with YYYYMMDD.CVS-1 version numbers,
    gnomemeeting builds as gnomemeeting-cvs and conflicts with the
    normal gnomemeeting package. For this I 'patch' the 'patch' before
    'patching' :D
  - The buildscript has more intelligence as to when stuff fails and
    cleans up when done (unless it failed, it will keep things like it
  - I removed sudo depends, because I run this script from a root
	cronjob so it doesn't need sudo
  - debian/rules binary implies debian/rules build, so removed build
  - patches for pwlib applied with fuzz, that was fixed once I patched
    out IPv6 support (because that might break GM, Damien told me)

My version does not install the packages, as it was intended to build on
a standalone machine that doesn't even run X, but it can be changed to
do so.

If you run this script from cron, you'll get output of the builds every
time it runs, which is cool, because you notice when it fails.

Do whatever you want with my version of the scripts & diffs. It's GPL
and all, although not noted in the files itself ;))

HTH & Thanks Snark, for your initial setup!!


| Kill some people instead of your carreer!
| 1024D/08CEC94D - 34B3 3314 B146 E13C 70C8  9BDB D463 7E41 08CE C94D

Attachment: gm-cvs-autobuild.tgz
Description: GNU Unix tar archive

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