WebDAV support and usability problem


The NextCloud API is WebDAV based so online accounts already support some kind of the protocol.
But I decided to use a plain WebDAV and configured it on Lighttpd.
Now I think if it makes sense to have a WebDAV in the GOA.
Are any advantages comparing with a plain folder created in Nautilus?

Maybe this can be used for Music players, Deja Bakup. and somewhere else.

Should the GOA support WD or this is not a usage case scenario for it?

Also I think would like to ask you to SMTP and IMAP to Email (SMTP and IMAP) and put it above all, even above Google.
Because currently the Email and Kerbeos may be hidden in the bottom and you must click ... to open it.
Inexperienced users may not found it and I think the hidden dots must be disabled at all.
Image that you are trying to explain to your mom by phone.

The Email dialog may be simplified. Take a look on a new account dialog in Thunderbird: email, name and password.
Everything else the Thunderbird discovers itself: just tries known ports and determines all needed settings.

Currently the GOA email dialog has a required field for imap server address (nowadays often the same email domain or imap.emaildomain) and it's user (which is usually the same as email). Also there is a confusing encryption option which is today almost always just STARTTLS.

How do you think, is it worth to have some kind of auto-configuration in GOA?

In ideal world this would be great to have a single place for email settings so users can easily switch their email clients.

Thank you,

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