Mouse double click delay

Hi all,

I would like to raise the issue of finding the setting for "Mouse
Double-click Delay".

I could not find the setting in the place I thought it would be most
obviously located - "Mouse & Touchpad" - and had to resort to Google.
My discovery that it is located in "Universal Access" left me
scratching my head a bit. I can understand the logic behind this
choice, but to be frank (or mary), it is very unintuitive and I'd wager
a months wages that I won't be the only person resorting to Google to
find this setting. It's a *common* setting that many people use, and it
would make much more sense for it to be in the first place users will
look, "Mouse & Touchpad".

What are the chances of getting it relocated? I'd gladly do the work
and submit a patch myself.

Luke Jones.

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