Re: add ABRT panel

Hello Jakub,

On Wed, 2012-10-31 at 13:45 +0100, Jakub Filak wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a member of ABRT Project crew [1]. We want to give users comfortable way 
> of configuration and the control center looks very comfortable ;). Therefore 
> we want to add a panel to gnome control center. Are you opened to adding 
> panels like this one?

We have a list of panels that we'd like to see integrated into the
system settings:

And Error reporting isn't something that really needs configuration,
though there are plenty of design documents for how problems reporting
should be integrated into the desktop at:

> I was wondering how to develop a new panel for gnome control center and I was 
> told that I have to develop a new panel as a part of gnome control center. But 
> I'm not very happy with this solution because it introduces a dependency on 
> ABRT. Is it possible to develop a panel as a plugin provided by an other 
> project?

All system settings panels are provided by gnome-control-center, we
don't allow external ones.

> If it is impossible to develop a panel as a plugin, pleas take a look at the 
> attached patch (the patch introduces the ABRT panel).

You'll see from the design page above that a system settings panel isn't
necessary for problem reporting (there might be a related option in the
Privacy panel in the future though).
We would really be interested in people working to achieve the goals set
in the design page for problem reporting.


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