user accounts

Hey guys,

there has been some discussion about moving the user accounts dialog
[1] into control-center. It has been converted to a cc panel a while
ago, and I recently fixed it up to make it work with current GTK+ and
to drop the polkit-gtk dependency. Ray already proposed the
accounts-service that it relies on as an external dependency. So, as
far as dependencies go, it should be pretty much ready to be merged.

There's some work that needs to be done after a merge:

- Look at some of the unimplemented parts of the UI and figure out
what to do about them (Restrictions, guest accounts, etc)

- Figure out how it relates/overlaps with the other accounts panel

- Ask for some design update. Maybe we need some refresh to make this
fit better in the control-center setting ?

I'll be gone at the GTK+ hackfest next week, so I'll leave it in
Bastiens, Richards, and everybody elses hands whether to go ahead with
the merge, or at least do some preparations for it.



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