[PATCH 0/15] Xrandr GUI Ubuntu Patchset

Here are some patches we've done for the Xrandr GUI for Ubuntu, that may
be of more general interest.  I'm forwarding each patch separately for
your cherrypicking enjoyment.

These comprise patches to gnome-desktop, gnome-settings-daemon, and
gnome-control-center.  They have been tested and updated to apply
against fedora's current xrandr gui patches, and are expected to also
apply to the code in soeren's current git tree.

Most of the patches address issues that testers and users have requested
or suggested to us as improvements.  Other patches represent our
attempts to troubleshoot bugs; ultimately some appear to be unnecessary
(the Xrandr 1.2 version checks and probably some of the NULL ptr
checks), but we decided to leave them in anyway; YMMV.

Patches to follow...


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