Re: gnome-control-center 2.22 proposals

On 01.10.2007 19:44, Denis Washington wrote:
On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 18:22 +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
> Also worth pointing out that both MacOS X and Windows keep the keyboard
> (and other) accessibility options together in a separate capplet, and
> IIRC the a11y team were originally quite keen that this was the case for
> GNOME too.  So you'd certainly need to run this sort of change past
> them, if you haven't already.

In the case of re-adding the features I left out, keeping the keyboard
accessibility capplet separate would probably be better because
everything wouldn't fit that well into a single tab, though I would like
having one capplet less here.

> As an aside, I'm not that keen on the term "Input Devices"-- couldn't we
> just call it "Mouse and Keyboard" like MacOS X (and Windows, except it
> still has separate capplets for each), which are more familiar terms to
> more people?

Depends on whether we may want to add preferences for other kinds of input devices there, like touchpads, drawing tablet or even joysitcks/gamepads.

Personally, I'd prefer having separate capplets for keyboard and "other
input devices" or somesuch. There are lots of keyboard options (I'd
actually put keyboard layouts there as well), and as Bastien pointed
out, keyboards seem to be sufficiently different from other input
devices that this makes sense.


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