Supporting more color schemes

Hi guys,

recently, Andrea Cimitan asked me to try to introduce more support for color schemes in order that an user could choose the preferred simply selecting one from a combobox in gnome-appearance-properties.

The idea is to introduce a new ini-like file for the list of schemes in order to localize their names and to easily manage and add any future properties.

I also opened a bug report ( with a patch to begin a discussion on this argument. My patch is not exactly finished yet, and Jens Granseuer and I discussed it for a while there. I am fixing some problems because my last patch doesn't work fine, but reasonably Jens said that it would be more deeply support for this feature introducing it "properly" in the metatheme format.

The problem is to clearify more the needed and expectations. Some would like full support and sharing (i.e.,, etc) without introduce them into the metatheme format, some others not.

So, what about you?


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