Re: Input devices capplets

On 07.11.2007 16:53, Sergey Udaltsov wrote:
> how so? it belong to the layout part, which is in the localization
> capplet mockup Denis sent a while ago, and which I should be getting to
> life soon (sorry, quite busy, and I've got just a very little code done,
> but will try to have a first version before the end of the week)
Well, if you think so... I am just not sure people find things like
numpad-related options or CapsLock behaviour belonging to i18n.

Anyway, since now this is just a popup - it would be quite trivial to
move it into any capplet we'll find suitable.

I must say I still don't like the idea of putting keyboard layouts
into the localization capplet. L10n is fine for settings things
like locale formats, timezone, but keyboard layouts seem to have
much stronger ties to "keyboard". Plus, as Sergey mentioned, some
of the layout settings don't belong to the l10n domain at all.

I very much prefer Dennis' current keyboard mockup.


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