Re: gnome desktop integration library

JP Rosevear wrote:
#ifdef HAVE_GNOME is a choice the app developer has made, if they don't
want to rely on a complete desktop then they'll replace this #ifdef with
another if all the stuff is in gtk+, #ifdef
ENABLE_ONLINE_OFFLINE_SUPPORT, or something similar.
The point is that GTK would automatically take care of statically and/or
dynamically adapting to the available platform and dependencies for you.
#ifdef'ing gdk_session_get_online() would be a 100% no-op. (other than removing the machine language instructions that wrote the bool into a local variable)
No, I feel no need to put crap in a library, I outlined several useful
cases in a previous mail that are not crap at all.  The issue is
historically this higher level stuff has simply not gone into gtk+.
First, the original proposal was to combine two *existing* code bases
with a little cleanup.
Is the proposed library definition "these two existing libs and that's 
it" or "higher level stuff"? "higher level stuff" I think needs a 
clearer spec! It's pretty much the same definition that the old 
libgnome/libgnomeui had (well, originally there was some BS about "GNOME 
has policy and GTK does not" but that was just silliness from back when 
we didn't know a thing about GUI programming)

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