(g)LyX added to word processor list?

In need for a GPL'ed WYSYWYG word processor I would like to propose
LyX, a very nice front end to LaTeX. A recent TeX/LaTeX/pdfTeX/...
distribution is teTeX, now released in version 1.0: 

The only clue is that it currently only runs on top of the xforms
library, which is not distributed with source code.

A gtk version would be wonderful (gLyX). With a GPL'ed GUI tookit LyX can
be distributed by RedHat, Caldera, Debian, Suse, etc together with the
gnome environment. The people developing LyX are making it X-library
independent: http://www.devel.lyx.org/devel/gui-indep.html

A version running on top of QT is already available (kLyX), usable in
the KDE environment. Howver, if I'm correctly informed this version is
based on an older version of LyX.

This question ha been asked to the RedHat development people, but
their policy is to involve only in operating system issues. Also the
LyX development is concentrated on functionality, not the GUI itself.

Hoping for feedback/comments here.

Svante Signell

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