Re: [gnome-women] Call for presentations: Women's mini-conference at 2007

On Tue, Oct 24, 2006, priti Patil wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working on Govt. funded project and being a woman with small kid have
> been playing very crucial role in ICT development in India, so have lots of
> things to share and discuss with all of you.
> Unfortunately it won't be possible for me to attend the event without full
> financial support :-(
> Probably I would be missing an opportunity.....

That's a shame, we're going to lose a lot of excellent speakers due to
not being able to provide financial assistance. ( only
provides travel assistance to speakers accepted in the main track.)

We're hoping that this event proves to be a success and that people can
replicate it in their local communities or perhaps that something
similar can be run on a larger scale at a later date. Since this is the
first trial of the idea that I'm aware of, we're starting small.


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