extensions search bar


First of all I want to say congratulations for your good job integrating the
extension web site with gnome shell. And creating this very simply
method for enabling/disabling the extensions. Thank you!

After that, I want to send a purpose for improving the web user
experience. Those days, when I was looking for new extensions is
very annoying having to go back to extensions main page[1] for being
able to search new extensions; and confusing when the search
bar disappears when you go to the extensions detailed page[2].

It is possible to include this search bar to all the gnome extensions
web site?

I had a look, and the search bar is doing Ajax requests and updating
the page content parsing the JSON response[3]. Probably a similar
behaviour can be easily added to the extension details page.

Is a design decision not including it?

Can I help for doing this staff?

Thanks for your time.


[1] https://extensions.gnome.org/
[2] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/112/remove-accesibility/
[3] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension-query/?page=1&shell_version=3.4.2&search=window

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