Re: Web Team Meeting

On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 21:12 -0500, Paul Cutler wrote:
> Hi Web Team!
> Lucas and I chatted briefly via email and we think it might be a good
> idea to get together for a short meeting to discuss the new website
> status.  
> We really want to get the site up and running in time for GNOME 3.0
> later this year (earlier the better!) and I'd like to get the 3 teams
> (Content, CMS and Art) together to discuss briefly a status update, any
> blockers and next steps.
> How does Sunday, May 23rd sound?  I'd like to hear from a couple people
> confirming that date works and I'll get a Doodle survey out with times.
> Thanks.
> Paul

>From the few emails that were received, it sounded like the best times
were in the evening in Europe / afternoon US.

Here is a Doodle link, please select the time that is best for you:



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