Re: Web Team Meeting

Hi Paul,

--On Montag, Mai 10, 2010 21:12:37 -0500 Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org> wrote:

Hi Web Team!

Lucas and I chatted briefly via email and we think it might be a good
idea to get together for a short meeting to discuss the new website

We really want to get the site up and running in time for GNOME 3.0
later this year (earlier the better!) and I'd like to get the 3 teams
(Content, CMS and Art) together to discuss briefly a status update, any
blockers and next steps.

How does Sunday, May 23rd sound?  I'd like to hear from a couple people
confirming that date works and I'll get a Doodle survey out with times.

I try to be there too. On the 23rd I visit family. I can join in the evening after
21h. Over the day I will try to arrange to be there.


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