Re: Plone: Theme bugs, tasks, state

Hi Carsten,

Did you (or someone else) find a place to host the plone instance ?
I'll need to take it down very soon...


2009/2/3 Carsten Senger <senger rehfisch de>
Hi Sebastien,

Sébastien Nicouleaud schrieb:

Hi all,

I'm not going to be able to host the plone for much longer, since the hosting machine is getting overloaded by other projects.
I can keep it going for a couple of weeks until a replacement is found.
Does anyone have a replacement solution ?

I move it to a spare server and adjust the wiki in the next days.

I myself couldn't work on the project for the past weeks, what was very bad. I fixed the import bugs in the last days and will get to the theme bugs only now :-((



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