wgo theming

Hi all,

Close but no Cigar. I commited a first implementation of Vinicius' great
theme in front of plone, as described in

You can read some basic information in the readme
It also contains a TODO list.

To get a visual impression I updated my sandbox at
It also shows the flexible front page developed by Johannes Raggam. The
view need more styling if you are not logged in. You can log in (username
and password is "admin") and see how to manage the front page.
The Plone site in the background is <http://gnome.rehfisch.de:8090/wgo>

Based on this sandbox we can decide where we need additional styling, and
where we should change the markup/plone. To see how the rules are working
you can look at the rules file (the <drop>, <append> and <replace>
The documentation for the Rules is here: <http://deliverance.openplans.org/>

I continue to work on the theme next week. I will also work on the
documentation and scripts so it can be deployed on socket.gnome.org
including nightly updates.

As I'm working in the CMS itself I'd also like to work on

 "CMS: Products and Download implementation done
  Deliverable: Products and Download section implemented in Plone"
  (Milestone: Aug 12th)
 "CMS: Support and Community section implementation done
  Deliverable: Support and Community section implemented in Plone"
  (Milestone: Aug 26th)

Can someone tell me the status of the content? I saw the pages on in
<http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/TwoPointTwentyseven/Content>, but I'm not
certain if I should just grab the content from there and paste it into


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