[no subject]

I have no svn access, what is the process of getting an account?

I wouldn't mind maintaining the web stuff.
Basically I'd like to get things rolling as soon as possible and start
the actual designing/coding, because previous efforts have slowly died

I wull do some work on a mirror for now. :)


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
> Hi Hylke,
> Thanks for working on this - I've been asking over on the marketing list
> about redoing the website.
> I'd like to see us rethink what's on each page (audience, content, links in
> and out, etc.) Do you know a good way to do that type of planning over
> email? Is there a good way to diagram it or mock it up in order to start
> discussions.
> I'm going to send the interested marketing folks this way.
> Stormy
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Hylke Bons <hylkebons gmail com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to help out on refreshing the GNOME website.
>> Right now I think the current website doesn't reflect the quality of
>> the GNOME desktop environment.
>> It looks old, boring, and the GNOME logo isn't even used. Also a lot
>> of link titles are different but refer to one page.
>> The way text expands makes content hard to read on a widescreen.
>> I have made a mockup for the main page that can be found here:
>> http://www.bomahy.nl/hylke/wip/gnome-website-mockup.png
>> Comments welcome, things can still be rearraged and tweaked.
>> I have a lot of experience building websites, so if you like the
>> design I can make it happen pretty quick.
>> Hylke
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>> gnome-web-list gnome org
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