On Sat, 2007-05-12 at 17:44 +0200, Ramon Navarro Bosch wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Today I decided to focus on wgo ( sorry I'm really focused on my PhD
> these days ). I've solved :
> * there is no by inline
> * print and send icon removed
> * mainpage created and configured
> * rssportlets configured: now you can create a portlet from rss feed

> * recent portlet added
> * review portlet added

What are these?

> * creating images everywhere done: you can upload and add images on all
> the folders
> * CSS and TAL

What's TAL?

>  work on Mainpage and the rest: I've changed the way of
> defining the main part of the site ( right now we were using fixed size
> to portlet and not I changed everything to % ) Can you try with safari
> and IE ?

Excellent. Much appreciated.

Could we have the page titles shown on the pages, please, instead of
having to write the title twice? Or is there some good reason not to do

For instance, this page has no obvious title, though the title is shown
in the window title bar:

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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