Re: New Bugs

> > Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > We now have a "beta" version in the bugzilla website component. Please
> > > start reporting problems there (even the obvious ones) so we can get
> > > everything fixed. 
> > Hmm.. if I fix/address a bug in SVN, how would I close it/change its
> > status (or would the submitter/somebody else have to do this)?
> > 
> > And speaking of SVN, how often (if regularly) is
> > updated with the gnometheme trunk?
> > 
> > Site note: It'd be great if more people would listen around in
> > #webhackers on (at this moment, there are 3 "people" in
> > there, including myself and bugbot :().  Sometimes, it's handy to address
> > small things quickly on IRC.
> Just so people know what's happening: Ricky has fixed several of those
> stylesheet problems in the svn at
> But we currently have no way to deploy the changes to the test site at
> I believe that Ramon is the only person who can do this. If we don't get
> a response soon then we'll have to create a separate test site.

Of course, this isn't enough because our content (the text of the pages)
is also locked up in the test site, probably
in a database. And I guess there's probably some other configuration
details there too.

So we are currently blocked.

> I'm tempted to copy the svn to Gnome's svn even without waiting for
> Ramon. Ricky now has a Gnome svn account.
> Note that I don't want to bother the Gnome sysadmins with installing a
> test site until we are close to deployment. Their time is limited and I
> don't want to waste their time until we have clear deployment
> instructions for them.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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