Sun sponsoring Java/Gnome developer tutorial: How to use Java-Gnome to develop Java based GNOME applications in OpenSolaris

Hi all,

I would like to draw your attention to the following tutorial:

"How to use Java-Gnome to develop Java based GNOME applications in

by John Rice
 (John Rice is a staff engineer in Sun)

which will be held in Berlin, next week, Tuesday, February 27th 2007
10:00-18:00, during the OpenSolaris Developer Conference:

Sun Germany was given the possibility to sponsor a small number of seats
due to the fact that this tutorial is given by a Sun employee.
So I volunteered to inform the Java/Netbeans/Gnome Community.

The focus of the conference is development of the OpenSolaris Platform
(rather than development of applications on top of the platform), so
Java/Netbeans/Gnome-Applications is a little bit off-topic to this
audience and approved to provide a complementary topic at the edge of
the main topic.

I thought that you would be interested. If you know any
Java/Netbeans(/OpenSolaris) Developer Community members who might be,
please forward this note. Respondents are treated first come, first
served to avoid additional hassle.

Deadline for application has to be tomorrow, Friday, 15.00 CET. After
that, I am going to inform the people who applied about the sponsorings.

Please note that a Laptop is going to be necessary. OpenSolaris
Developer Release already installed is best (goto: , but I was told
there is a plan for providing bootable USB sticks. More on this

Sorry for the rather short notice,

hope to see you in Berlin, Hartmut Kaiser.

PS: if you are interested in (downloading) Solaris Express Developer
Edition, goto: then Solaris, then Solaris Express
Developer Edition
 Hartmut Kaiser
 Product Marketing Manager Software
 Sun Microsystems GmbH
 Sonnenallee 1
 D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
 Phone: (+49)-89 46008 2847 
 Mobile: (+49)-172 8136729
 mailto: hartmut kaiser sun com

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