Re: index

Olav Vitters wrote:

> Could you commit whatever you have now? The top in XSLT please (or
> just mail it and I'll add it).

This is a bit sub-optimal since I failed to use xinclude to add header
and footer, so the xslt writes a SSI comment instead...

> >From the attachment:
> > title_re = re.compile('<h1>(.*?)</h1>')
> > abstract_re = re.compile('<h3 class="abstract">(.*)</h3', re.DOTALL)
> Seems a bit nasty. Suggest to use those index.xml.$LANG files. Haven't
> looked much further. Only that using a minimal XSLT would be better (so
> we put the top stuff in XSLT and reuse it).

I agree, I missed the index.xml files at first.  Also I believe the
OMF files would be useful to get subject/category and document type.

I'll go back on this tomorrow; you will find my current (messy) files
in the attached tarball[1]; note db2html.xsl has this line
 <xsl:import href="/usr/local/src/gnome/gnome-doc-utils/xslt/docbook/html/db2html.xsl"/>
since I didn't want to break my local yelp installation; it should
obviously be /usr/share/xml/gnome/xslt/docbook/html/db2html.xsl

Also I have XBitHack on in the Apache configuration, so that SSI are
processed, but this require files to have executable bit set
(alternative would be to s/.html/.shtml/ the files)


[1] too big for mailman, posted has

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