Re: Cron <gnomeweb window> $HOME/bin/logify

Peter Williams wrote:
OK, this is getting kind of annoying. The problem is that there are no
files in the directories
gnomeweb-wml/ and
I assume this is because there hasn't been time to make translated
screenshots for these languages. The attached patch *ought* to make this
problem only result in a warning message, rather than a build error.
(Hard to test since I can't build the website with its /home/bmsmith XSL
stuff.) OK to commit?

I committed the change to gnomeweb-wml/docbook_html_style/yelp-customization.xsl to use stylesheets installed locally in my home directory on This makes the build go much faster and puts less network stress on that server. To build locally, change the xsl:import statement at the top of yelp-customization.xsl

(The patch also fixes an illegal leading space in a line higher up in


Thanks I will look into applying this

Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>
IRC: smitten

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