[wgo] i18n implementation

LinguaPlone is doing all we need for i18n features on url:

* REST pages ( we can point to a page with a language :
http://www.gnome.org/ca/Quant is http://www.gnome.org/en/About in catalan )

* Browser negotiation ( if you have browser in catalan you'll see
catalan pages when you access to front page...)

* Change language throw language selector, so you can choose another
language and store it on a browser cookie.

* In case the page is not on the language you have selected a page will
appear with a message saying that does not exist that page ( maybe with
a link to translation group ) and the available languages.

* There are neutral pages that will be the same for all the languages

As I see that's the majority option. Using this feature we can maintain
to minimum the development we have to make on LinguaPlone (great( We are
going to apply this to the development server as soon as possible so you
can see the results on some initial pages.

You can see an example of the same solution we have decided on :


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