Re: gnome projects page

Is /projects even linked from the rest of Gnome website?

There is an effort to create new gnome software map using DOAF[1], and
informations including maintener, version, icon can be pulled from CVS.
I do not know if there is an updated version somewhere.

Also I do not know if software map and projects listing can be the same
thing, with link to gnome-files for third party gnome-related apps...


У sre, 05. 07 2006. у 16:37 +0200, smurfd пише:
> Hi! 
> So i was looking at the page 
> something i just though would look nice, would be if each project had
> its respected logo and name on there + some
> wouldnt be totaly wrong.
> dont you think?
> /smurfd 

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