Request to the board (proposal)

> So, do you have a more detailed question for the board? :-) Or is it
> "what should we do with local websites?"

No, sorry for the misunderstanding. I was talking about the revamp in

It would be useful to have the board helping us to get to a (re)solution
agreed by everybody, on the revamp related issues. The problem here is
not of lack of direction, but of multiple directions - not being clear
towards which to walk.

The webhackers team is not as defined and structured as the average
project team and the discussion involves/affects also marketing,
documentation, translations, regional groups, GNOME projects, sysadmin,
infrastructure and the board itself as representant of the Foundation.

Also, it is uncertain the priority level of this revamp in the context
of the GNOME project. Some may think it is very urgent, some may think
it's actually not that important. If it would be clear how prioritaire
is this issue we would discuss much better.

If I put "(proposal)" in the header is because maybe you think this is
something we still can solve without requesting board intervention.
Myself I'm not sure when the board shoulf be requested. I partly feel
like a child going to the teacher when there is trouble in the patio.   :)

Quim Gil -

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