Re: gFooBar website

Hi all,

I'm new to the list, so a URL to your work would be nice :-)

The closest equivalent to PHP includes in HTML is Apache Server Side
Includes(, so you could
have something like:

<!--#include virtual="common/sidebar.html" -->

Where the tag would be replaced at runtime with the requested file.
Hope that helps.


On 6/15/05, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
> As some of you know, I've been working on a new Nautilus website the
> last couple of days, heavily based on the gedit site. After a request by
> Luis I have now made a base for other websites on w.g.o/projecs to use
> if they feel they need a fresh looking website, but lacks a nice looking
> design.
> I've made it very friendly towards potential developers, because many
> times you want to help out with a app, but don't know how to start.
> Some minor issues that still bugs me:
> * The sidebar stuff needs to be updated for every page in the site when
> a new version arrives. It would be nice to have something like <?php
> include="sidebar" ?>, but is that possible in html?
> * It would be nice to put some of the stuff in images in like
> w.g.o/project/images to make it easy to update if, say someone comes up
> with a better bug icon.
> * Maybe the front-screenshot class of gfoobar.css should be in
> w.g.o/gnome.css
> Feedback?
> - Andreas
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