Re: proposed text for HACKING

<quote who="Curtis C. Hovey">

> I've put together a primer detailing the steps in hacking on the Web site.
> I hope this will answer a lot of the questions new contributors have.
> These are my steps; other developer have their own.  I want to add this
> text to gnomeweb-wml, foundation-web, and web-devel-2.  Would anyone care
> to add their input before I commit.

This is great; but please put it in README rather than HACKING. In fact,
using README.html (and lynx -dump it into README) might make sense, because
we can always re-publish that onto the gwh site if we bother resurrecting
that soon.

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway          
   "PHP, when it first came out, didn't really have any merits, and many
    claim it still doesn't, but it filled a void where a simple tool to
            perform a simple task was needed." - Rasmus Lerdorf

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