Re: Elections pages on the foundation website

<quote who="James Henstridge">

> > I'm planning to move every content for the elections in directories like
> > elections/2000/ (in fact, I did this for the results of last year's
> > elections). Is it a good idea or not ? The main problem I can see is for
> > search engines, but their database will be updated after some time.

(Definitely a good idea.)

> You can configure Apache to redirect people from the old links to the new
> locations without much trouble.  Either in the main config file, or with a
> .htaccess file.  The .htaccess file is probably a more convenient solution
> if it works, since you would be able to manage it with the rest of the
> website.

See the htaccess file at the root of gnomeweb-wml for how we've done this
for recent changes.

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
    "If I had an inch for every penis size spam I'd recieved..." - Luis

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