Outlines, goals, etc.

JDub is of course the final word on this stuff but I want to get these things written down somewhere, so...

I can assume, I think, that some of our major goals for the redesign of this website are, in no particular order:

* Updating content and making content easier to update, so it stays relevant
* Organizing site so it's easier to navigate and to find information
* Making it look good

I have a small outline of the current directory structure which may be useful.

In what ways does this organization work? In what ways does it not work?  Are there toplevel directories we should axe, or add?

ex_seb has suggested adding more content oriented directly toward newbies, like they have up at http://www.apple.com/macosx/overview/    In that direction, gnome.org/start is a start, but it needs to be expanded

I for my part would like to see more case studies, profiles of current GNOME users, or even just a short list of famous people or organizations using GNOME, like at ahem, other desktop sites.

Attached, please find my outline of the current directory tree; note that it's kinda flat right now, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Current outline

Currently Active/Useful Directory Structure:

	about : description of GNOME and its goals
	account : login to your gnome.org account
	bounties : bounty hunt info
	contact : contact info for gnome.org people
	developerinterviews : list of interviews
	faqs : (too little content)
	fonts : Font licensing
	friends: donations page
	i18n : list of available languages (see also GTP)
	learn : user docs
	press : contact info and resources for press articles
	projects: List of projects (see also softwaremap)
	resources : info on getting involved or getting help
	softwaremap :  (Software map)
	start  (Introductory resources)
	       2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

Deprecated or broken
	applist : Deprecated, links to gnome.org/softwaremap
	translations : empty, should redirect to /i18n
	people: redirects to /, should redirect to developerinterviews
	developers  --> gnome.org (should be to d.g.o)
	export: a dirlisting of... rss feeds? very ugly
	project: error message
	foundation : Note that requires a /, which is bad

	admin  --> account
	guadec  --> guadec.org
	mirrors --> download.gnome.org
	my  --> /account/
	summit  --> wiki.ximian.com or other offsite
	todo --> bugzilla, but should have some sort of explanation and a link to bugzilla
	register --> account

Goals for project: 

* Update content and make it easy to keep up to date
* Rationalize structure
* Improve appearance

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