Re: status of

<quote who="Owen Taylor">

>  * Fixing the main page of

Yeah, will add a cron job that sucks down the RSS, so
everyone can still use 'ours', including the front page.

>  * Making the index.html prettier

Had something prepared for the change, but if anyone else wants to do this,
go for it.

>  * Investigating whether 
>    a) Nautilus and evolution can handle the RSS feed on
>    b) Nautilus and evolution can handle a redirect to 
>       a different URL

Shouldn't matter if we provide the RSS at the same location

>  * Bringing up Zope on a different port, dumping all the content
>    statically, and redirecting article accesses to the static
>    dumped version.
>    (If you do this, *please* monitor your job so it doesn't
>    run the box out of memory, go into infinite loops, eat
>    up 20 gigs of disk space, etc.)

I definitely want to do this, but not too interested in doing it
immediately. Eventually, I'd like to insert it all into the new news system,
and offer squishdot-like links, or at least computable redirections. So
yeah, that's not a priority for me *right* now.


- Jeff

    You know a French woman is faking it when she screams, "I would like    
                     the table near the window please!"                     

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