Template stuff.

Since Jeff thought it would be a good idea to give the look of the page
a bit more work, I quickly hacked together something that is in the same
basic vein, but looks a bit cleaner:


This is very quickly put together, of course, and only works properly in
Galeon/Mozilla. But it adequately shows the direction I'd like to go in.

Changes from the original mockups I made:

* The topbar image is lightened up a bit, making it even less contrasty
and harsh.

* The GNOME logo is fixed and tweaked a bit.

* The sidebar background is median filtered and has decreased contrast.

* The colored stripe across the top is gone, replaced with a simple gray

* The sidebar separator stripe isn't black, but gray.

All in all, this design is simpler, cleaner, and lighter. The idea is to
make the design fade into the background a bit, to move focus to the
content. The news box echoing the header background color is another
attempt at this.

It still needs a bit of work, but I think it's a lot less busy like

 Joakim Ziegler - Ximian Engineer - joakim ximian com - Radagast IRC
FIX sysop - Free Software Coder - Writer - FIDEL & Conglomerate hacker
          http://www.avmaria.com/ - http://www.ximian.com/

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