help with new bugzilla

As a part of the upgrade of to the 2.16 code (the
latest bugzilla release), louie and I would love to fix an outstanding
design issue, and would like feedback on any improvements that can be
made on the site. The main issue is that as it's setup, all the tables
are fixed with, rather than percentages of window. When porting it over,
I didn't mess with the setup 'cause I'm no good with html. So, if
anyone's interested in helping with that, or anything else to make the
site look better, please email me. The current port exists at - any feedback on issues
would also be appreciated. Note that this is my home machine, so please
don't stress-test it. :) Once I can find a gnome sysadmin who isn't
busy, we'll put the port up on widget in or
something, but it's not there yet.


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