Re: Seperating Content from code, and making it transparent

Quoting Joshua Eichorn <jeichorn JoshuaEichorn com>:
> After talking on irc (thats #webgeeks) i tried to come up 
> with a system to transparently handle the cacheing and generating of pages.

D'Oh! About what time (GMT) were you on there?  Being in Australia I just need 
to coordinate my times...
> Background
> The main directory contains only the xml files
> so you have index.xml
> we are using xslt to generate the files

Which version of xlst are you planning on using?
> we are using dynamic caching based on changes to the xml files
> php is setup to parse all the xml files
> people developing content should never have to see php code or do 
> anything special to create a new page

Very nice.  Dare I say it - what about i18n?  gettext?  Does xslt handle that 
for us? (never used it).
> The only way i can see of handling this is by using php auto prepend and 
> append features, and output buffering.
> An example auto prepend file is
> An example auto append file is

I can't look at these right now - but prepend/append is php-wide if I'm not 
mistaken (not directory based like an apache directive).  No-one else is php'ing 
on (or is it canvas - I forget :) are they?  Or else they'll 
get our prepends/appends.

> Does anyone here think this is an acceptable solution or did i miss some 
> really easy way to do this.
> -josh

To get around the special pages/forms issue you _could_ just have a <? 
gnomewebStart(); ?> and <? gnomewebEnd(); ?> instead of prepend/append and give 
ourselves some flexibility.  I've mainly used prepend for variable decls 

Share and Enjoy!

michaeld senet com au

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