Re: The state of our web site and standards

<quote who="Daniel Veillard">

>   Unfortunately the initial step is to get acceptance of getting
> clean pages, once this get agreed then we can proceed further. There
> was some resistance in the past, I just hope there will be enough momentum
> now to get this agreed as a policy. Tools will be very welcome at that
> point, sure !

I didn't notice this thread was running on both gnome-hackers and here, so
my reply only went to g-h.

It's been a long-time goal of the people on g-w-l to make sure the next
iteration of the website is standards-compliant. There has even been the
suggestion of having multiple templates for CSS-layout and table-layout,
specifically to allow "standards-compliant" to jibe well with "doesn't look
like crap".

"Policy" is a fairly strange word for a Free Software project, but if
nothing else, we have agreed on this as one of our main goals in past
threads on the list.

Does gnome-web-list need a mission statement? I hope not. ;)

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net ----------------------------- --

    Ye shall be cursed to fall in love so easily, and yet be so cold of     
                       heart as never to express it.                        

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