Re: gettext (was Re: [Fwd: Re: Time to code?])

Christian Rose wrote:
> >From the translators perspective, all he has to do is running a script
> that extracts those messages by using xgettext. Such tools already exist
> in the form of the GNOME xml-i18n-tools suite, which are GNOME tools
> acting as wrappers around gettext, and adding support for more types of
> message sources.
> If xgettext itself does not grok how to parse .php files in the search
> for _() messages, this support can be added to xml-i18n-tools (it
> already supports .c, .cpp, .desktop, .oaf, .glade, .xml, and mime-type
> files and who knows what =).

Sometime ago, I started to build a web frontend to the .po files. With
it, people could work on translations directly from the web without
nothing else than a web browser.
Now the proyect is "vaporware", because there is only a ".po to SQL"
done, but if you think that this idea could help us, I/we can start
working on it again.

Tomas V.V.Cox

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