Re: new comp

I'm pretty pleased with the overall look.  It is clean, and pretty easy to use.  I wouldn't mind seeing a little more color (using either Joakim's or Digitect's color thoughts) thrown in there though.  Also, I'm sure that top bar could be refined a bit, but I think that it is heading in the right direction.  I like your use of icons.  However, are we ever going to have a "Feature"?  Being that your comp makes that the centerpiece, we might want to consider what's more important a blurb about GNOME and free software.  I like the DHTML menu thing, as long as it works across browsers and fails gracefully.  It saves bandwidth by letting people get straight to what they want.  Very useful for modem/impatient users.  So, overall, I think that it is heading in the right direction.  Still needs some work though.


Original Message:
From: Martin Lee mlee andrews edu
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 23:24:58 -0500
Subject: new comp

After reading over all the navagation proposals, here is a second comp.
(you can view the first one here:
Things seem to have died down after new years, so let's quit sitting
around at our dayjobs and get something done.

Here is the new one:

This comp provides a very flexable navigation system, it could utilize
DHTML menus that would expand on mouse click and show the subpages, or
they could be static HTML menus that would expand once the user has
clicked through to the subpage.

There is a lot of extra room in this comp that could be used for
whatever is needed. I just sort of threw some examples in the top
section (which could be used to access developer, news, and tutorial
sites... that sort of thing.) The right side could be used to display
new software releases.
The black bar (horizontal area) could also be used for navigation.

The graphic quality of some parts (such as the logo) will be improved as
soon as I can get better quality images.

Once I hear some feedback on this, I'll know if I should continue
developing this design, or try something new.

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