Re: [gnome-love] Re: approval from sun and a last XML request [was Re: [gnome-love] wanted: php or cgi programmer with some spare time to help with gnome test spec]

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 12:30, Manuel Borchers wrote:
> Well, I would like to do that, but where can I subscribe to the list? On
>, there is only a gnome-web-list list...

this is on gnome-web-list, not devel.

> That XML-format looks okay for me.
> The easiest way for the perl script would be to leave <component> and
> <subcomponent> out. The rest should be easy to generate from the html
> files... Just look for "Test Case Name:" kill all HTML-tags and you are
> ready...
> Would it be okay for you Todd, if the php would generate the component
> part?
> That would have one big plus: If you rename a component, you could
> easily change the foldername and you wouldn't have to rerun the
> perl-script for having the xml-files up-to-date.

that sounds great.  like i said, i'm still learning xml, and school and
work have me a bit tied up right now, but in a couple days i'll update
the php code.  if you could show me an example of what the final xml
should look like, it would be a huge help :)


> Ciao,
> Manuel
> -- 
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