Re: Handling Translations

Joakim Ziegler <joakim ximian com> writes:

> On Thu, 2001-08-30 at 18:16, Christian Rose wrote:
> > Joakim Ziegler wrote:
> >> It seems to me that both these methods are somewhat complex, and, more
> >> importantly, slow.
> > Do you have any data on that? I doubt the gettext solution introduces
> > any user-noticable difference in speed. If in doubt, test it, compare
> > it, produce some data on performerance, and then we can have a
> > discussion. Speculating isn't helping.
> The speed hit from gettext is probably trivial. From reading an XML
> file, it's probably a lot bigger. Remember, a whole new file has to be
> read into memory, parsed by the reasonably large chunk of code an XML
> parser represents, and then you ahve to actually do stuff to merge the
> content with the template. This is most definitely a non-trivial speed
> hit on a machine that at times (around releases) handles 20 hits per
> second at peak.
> For gettext, my concern is more with complexity. See below.


KDE is using gettext to translate their user documentation, and seem to
really like it (it's poxml).  There is a certain niceness involved with
using one translation mechanism here.


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