Re: Where are we?

<quote who="michaeld senet com au">

> > 3. The new directory structure for the site.
> Have we decided 3?  Maybe I missed something.

We did decide on a basic information architecture -> I think there's a
little confusion between directory structure and navigation structure there.

> But I do agree that we should push forward.  The new templates were very nice -
> especially what Joakim did.  As others have said, have we decided on php as the
> major implementation language?

Essentially. It's crap, but everyone knows how to use it.

> What database?  MySQL or postgres?

Database? Why? :)

[ If there were a need, I'd strongly back postgres, however mysql is the
DB software currently in use on the Gnome machines. ]

At this point, it's probably best to start tackling "sections" of the site,
and working out how to implement them. There's a whole lot of static content
in there, but also a mish-mash of dynamic stuff that we have to get a grip
on quickly.

- Jeff

                        Great minds think different?                        

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