Me. and, well, stuff

But first, a caveat. It's 17:40 on friday afternoon. My brain is in 
protective shutdown in preperation for friday night alcoholism with work.

First, me:
I'm a sysadmin for a new media company in the UK. I've been using 
linux for the last four years, and gnome for most of that time, 
in one form or another.
I have a fair amount of experience with developing websites, both coding
and design/architechting. I also have experience of Oracle and MySQL,
 and am gonna be learning PostGreSQL this weekend. I know PHP, perl (ick!)
and Python, and also XML.

My initial preference for this project would be XSP(eXtensible server pages)
 - it's a very flexible system,
it's easily customistable for multiple browsers, and it's very easy to keep 
a consistent look and feel across and entire site.
Have a look at for a quick demo of what it
 can do, and what XSP looks like.

Anyways, a swift hello 

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