Intro to me, Mark Koopman

Hi there, 

I'm interested in helping to develop a new site for GNOME.
My web-dev skills:
	Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
		(and an understanding of Normal Forms in design)

	Expert HTML, CSS and JavaScript
	( not trying to sound egotistical, but I have extensive
	 experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and can accomplish
	 all that will be needed as far as building templates, subtemplates,
	 any DHTML, form validation, error checking with JS)

My big question is, what audience is the new GNOME site being designed
as far as what browser constraints are there?  4.0+ browsers only? 3.0+
I've much experience with this matter. 
Other than that, i'm free to join in if you'll have me.


Mark Koopman  
Software Engineer


$company = 'WebSideStory, Inc.';

%contact_info = (
   'addr1' => '10182 Telesis Court',
   'addr2' => 'San Diego CA  92121',
   'p' => '858.546.1182.ext.318',
   'f' => '858.546.0480',
   'e' => 'mark websidestory com'

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