Re: Hello

Ok. Count me in. My name is Tuomo Lukka and I am studying "interactive
digital media" in Helsinki University of Technology in Finland.

I have worked with web-projects for something like 3 years now, and I know
MySQL, Oracle, MsSQL, php, asp and java. I have absolutely no graphics
skills, so please don't ask me to do that kind of things. If we decide to
start programming with php(4) or java I can help. I don't know other
alternatives well enough to produce acceptable code.

I am maintaining an server in
This is programmed with MySQL and php4. Code 100% by me, so this maybe
gives an basic picture of my skills. (warning: this site is sometimes not
responding, but it is because I am playing StarCraft a lot and I need to
reboot to windows every time. Wine is just too slow.)

I honestly hope that I can help. I have been using Linux many years now,
and Gnome really pushed Linux gui to higher level of usability.


           In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.
                                              Big Bang Theory.

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