2. Audience (was Re: Design document [Draft 1])

Ryan Muldoon wrote:
> My thoughts (for now) are about sections 2 and 3:
> >
> > 2. Audience and goals
> >
> > The GNOME websites span a rather large range of audiences (and corresponding
> > goals), including users, developers, members of the press, representatives of
> > companies considering supporting GNOME, and so on. The goals can be broken
> > down as follows:
> >
> I think one of the main goals should be the issue of integrating new
> members of the GNOME community.  What I mean by this is encouraging
> people to get involved in improving GNOME.  The best way to accelerate
> the rate of improvement of GNOME is to get more people involved.

Perhaps we can do an user oriented navigation structure.

|               | Desktop users | Developers | Press | Bussiness |
| (Contents Bar)|
| What is Gnome |
| other         |
| other         |
| other         |
| other         |

If I am a delevoper, the "Contents Bar" should have all the links
related to developers with Gnome (How to get involved, cvs instructions,
devel doc, etc).
In each "web site user" section could appear a link to get involved (for
ex: Desktop users => do translations, mantain web site; Developers =>
apps; Press => talk about Gnome, join the press list; Biz => put money


Tomas V.V.Cox

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