Re: GNOME comp

> The equivalent of Arial in Unix and Mac machines would be Helvetica.
> So I would propose to use <font face="Arial, Helvetica">

* Am I incorrect in thinking that Arial is a proprietary font, perhaps owned
by Microsoft? Unless every major distribution distributes it, I'm completely
against using Arial. Helvetica has been on my system since RH 5.1, so I'd be
in favor of making that the main font if we're going sans serif. But,
frankly, serif fonts are easier to read, although I would agree that they
look lower tech. I could easily stand having Times be the default, too.

* I think we'd be better off sticking with picking one (serif v. non-serif)
and having any particular glyphs come from within that chosen family. Let's
not mix and match, it creates the potential of too much range in style.
(i.e., "Helvetica", "Times", "Big ol' Outline Font", "Courier")

* The font tag was deprecated from the W3C HTML 4.01 standard a few years
ago. If we're not going to depend on linked style sheets, the correct way to
call out a font (all text being contained within <p> tags, of course):

     P { font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif; }

Steve  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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