Re: GNOME comp

Serguey Kolesov wrote:
> Hello.
> > Here's one of my ideas so far...
> >
> >
> Well, I like it. It is not perfect but it is something to start with. And I
> have a few comments:
> - Headings "Start with GNOME" and "Develop with GNOME" can be made a bit
> more readable (a darker colour, maybe?)

Agreed, a darker color _would_ be nice.

> - The main font (Times or what is it?) is really ugly... what about Arial or
> something similar?

How many Linux users have that font without going through the trouble of
adding it? I have it, but then i added a whole lot of TTFs to my system. 

Something to keep in mind is fon-availability on a default install of a
distribution. AFAIK, no distributions currently include truetype fonts.


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