cifs / trash


I’ve been searching for a solution to this problem for a couple days now, and it seems like it’s rather commonly known that gnome-vfs simply doesn’t work when the .Trash folder isn’t a local filesystem. In my case, each user’s home directory is mounted via cifs from a Samba server, and the icon on their desktop doesn’t change to reflect the state of their .Trash folder in their home directory. I’m running Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation, if that helps at all.


Am I correct in saying that this is a known bug? If so, why can’t I find a specific bug on bugzilla? I found several that link to each other, but not one that is the “official” bug that’s being worked on. If there’s a fix for it, could someone let me know? If it’s some kind of setting somewhere, that’s fine… as long as I don’t have to go recompiling things (Enterprise… re-compiling = support and maintenance issues… etc.).




Shannon Johnson

Shannon Johnson
IT Specialist II
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Penn State University
224 Reber Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-8267
Fax: (814) 863-4848


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